Aquarium Benefits

Educational Benefits of Aquariums for Children

Did you know aquariums are also an excellent hands-on teaching tool in the classroom or at home? Establishing an aquarium offers students of all ages the opportunity to learn directly through experience. Caring for the aquarium kindles a sense of responsibility, achievement, and a genuine desire to learn. Teachers and parents are given a unique opportunity to teach a receptive audience in a fun and interactive manner.

Consider setting up a special “teaching aquarium” in a classroom or home to help encourage and develop an interest in reading, writing, critical thinking, and science.
aquarium design


Reading is an essential part of our everyday lives. Students will enjoy researching topics such as fish species, plants, or reefs to learn more about aquarium keeping. Who has not heard of the “selective” reading habits of children who only read books on topics of interest to them? The wide variety of aquarium-related topics can help foster good reading habits in children who may not otherwise be interested in reading.


Biology, chemistry, ecology, and physics are just a few of the sciences involved in aquarium keeping. A classroom aquarium can be used to teach students about specific topics such as fish anatomy or more complex topics such as the food chain, the water cycle, or the nitrogen cycle.


Students can be asked to write reports or daily journal entries about the classroom aquarium. Students can also write letters to fish or aquatic experts with their questions. Both are great ways to help sharpen grammar and writing skills.

Bringing Children and Parents Together

An aquarium is a fun, educational tool that parents and children can enjoy together. Students not only develop learning skills but because they get excited about their aquarium, are eager to share what they learned with family members and friends. Involved parents are more likely to participate in other school activities with their child.

Setting up a teaching aquarium is a great way for students of all ages to learn about a variety of topics and gain valuable life lessons. However, the decision to set up an aquarium should never be done on a whim. Carefully evaluate the amount of time, effort, and finances you will be able to commit to the aquarium and its inhabitants. Patience and proper research are key to a successful aquarium.

Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Students collect data from an aquarium by measuring and recording water temperature, pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels. Chart or graph the information and look for trends that coincide with events in the aquarium. Any event, even the loss of a fish, is an opportunity to discuss possible causes and their effects, preventions, and ways to improve existing conditions. The teaching and learning opportunities are endless.

Benefits of Aquariums for Adults

Research has been conducted that shows that aquarium watching will reduce stress levels in adults, reduce hyperactivity in children and has even helped with Alzheimer patients, calming them and encouraging them to eat more at meal times. People suffering from high blood pressure have benefited from watching an aquarium on a daily basis.

Research has also shown that to get maximum benefit from an aquarium it does need to contain fish as well as plants and companies are now setting up different therapeutic tanks to help with different conditions choosing slow moving fish that move in groups to calm distressed patients and fast moving fish with bright colours to help lift the mood of depressed or severely ill patients.

In other studies it has been found that watching a freshwater aquarium significantly reduces stress in dental patients who are undergoing treatment and significantly reduces the amount of pain medication needed in that treatment and a number of studies have shown that people who look after and care for aquariums are at significantly lower risk of high blood pressure and stress related illness.
aquarium design
spot fish

Benefits of Professional Aquarium Services

The benefits of hiring an aquarium maintenance company are that you don’t have to worry about if you’re doing it right. You know a skilled professional is keeping an eye on your aquarium for you. All you have to do is feed the aquarium and in some cases, that can even be done with an automatic feeder for freshwater tanks!

Every tank is unique, so maintenance schedules vary from once a week to every three weeks. It all depends on the specific aquarium. Aquarium Services Corp. will work with your schedule to ensure your personal system is getting the attention it needs.


  • Do tanks scratch easily?

    Acrylics tanks are most prone to scratching.

  • Are tanks hard to maintain?

    A lot of care must be given to maintain a healthy, thriving tank. Some systems require more work than others. By partnering with a professional aquarium service company, you wont have to worry about maintenence.

  • Which fish can go together?

    This depends on which type of ecosystem you choose. Expert selection and cohabitation is provided by a professional service company. The growth of each breed of fish must also be considered in relation to the tank size.

  • Is saltwater hard to maintain?

    Maintaining a saltwater aquarium requires the same discipline as any other tank. It is a misconception that a saltwater aquarium requires significantly more work.

  • Will tanks leak?

    Good news. Tanks are not prone to leaking at all.

  • Do I need to change the water in the tank?

    The main reason for replacing water in your aquarium is to keep nitrates, ammonia and nitrites and healthy levels. Nitrates form from uneaten fish food and waste produced by the inhabitants of the tank. Professional maintenance services will take care of all of this for you.

  • Do fish sleep?

    Fish actually DO sleep so it is important to give them a dimly lit environment during overnight hours. Tanks with plants should get about 8-10 hours of light per day and be kept out of direct sunlight to decrease the growth of algae. 

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